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Manifesting✨ Nursing school edition

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

Hey everyone!

My name is Kristy, a little background: I’m 26, born & raised in Miami, Cuban, and a Leo. I recently graduated NSU with my BSN, passed the NCLEX and just accepted a job offer as a Baptist nurse. To sum up some key traits about me, I’m extroverted, enjoy making people happy/laugh, friendly and ever evolving.

Synopsis of nursing school:

It’s hard. I’ll start there. But don’t get discouraged, cause it’s hard in a good way. It challenges you and pushes you in ways that will surprise you and open your eyes to how capable you are of handling difficult situations. My program was roughly 2 years, I worked as a medical scribe throughout the entire program, tried to maintain social life, relationships and some type of exercise. This included multiple classes a semester, clinicals 1-2 days a week, tests, essays, endless amount of charts from work, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, trying to balance everything was most definitely a struggle. I had to learn to say no, I had to learn to be selfish with my time, and I had to learn sacrifice. I reached my breaking point many times. But there wasn’t a day I didn’t get through. Here’s some suggestions on getting through school;

1. Nursing Friends. I owe so much to the group of girls I met in nursing school. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them. Nobody is going to understand you like your nursing friends do, and their support and friendship was everything to me. Somewhere in-between late night studying and endless nervous chatting before tests, we became family. I’m lucky to know and very much admire every one of them, they each brought something unique into my life and experience that is irreplicable. I speak so highly of them because they deserve it. They’re a group of amazing women and I don’t have doubt about the extraordinary nurses they will become.

2. Friends. The women who were already in my life (bffs) were there countless times to talk me out of my own head. They were my backbone, and constantly reminded me how smart and dedicated I am and how proud they were and I am very aware of how lucky I am to have such a support system.

3. STUDY! There’s no way around it. Put in the time. There’s a lot to learn, and you most definitely won’t remember it all but you’ll notice a repetition of key information that’ll stick with you. Take notes, ask questions, find different ways to learn information.

4. Believe in yourself. Without getting too much into spirituality, I want to stress how powerful your mind is. You are in 100% control of your reality. You can manifest all that you want by learning to reprogram your subconscious and it all begins with what you tell yourself every day. At first, I didn’t believe any of this, I was like this is corny outdated sh*t that people use to pretend like they’re not drowning. But when I decided to start incorporating it into my life, it changed everything for me. Words of affirmation, the law of attraction, meditation, gratitude, all of it and so much more. It opens your eyes to a capable, limitless version of yourself and it’s truly amazing. You feel open to life, and want to spread it to everyone to help them realize how amazing they are. You begin to let go of hate, grudges and anything that keeps your frequency and vibration low. I want to recommend a book that is amazing, it’s called “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. Whenever you’re ready to step into this light, I recommend you start there.

If anyone has any questions, or just needs someone to talk to; Reach out! And don’t hesitate. I love helping, I love lifting others, I know it’s my calling. I’m here for you. And always remember, you’re amazing! Have a beautiful day.


Kristy Arteaga RN

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