Hi everyone, my name is Sharon Gonzalez and I am 23 years old. I was born in Miami FL, But I was raised half of my childhood in NC & I am of Cuban descent. Some things I love and enjoy doing is reading, dancing, spending time by the ocean, and eating food while I cook it. LOL
My goal in life is simple. To be the best version of myself in all aspects of my life. I think that’s truly the only way to happiness and true success. When you aim to become the best person you can be. The best son, brother, friend, partner, employee, citizen, etc ;That you can possibly be and work towards it every single day! That’s when everything will fall together like a puzzle piece and in all areas of your life; marriage, career, businesses, relationships, social status, wellness, and you will live a “successful” life.
Now don’t forget "successful life", definitely has a different meaning to everyone. What matters the most in my life, is to always be happy and grateful for what I do have. Anything else can be worked for & I will definitely bring it into my life.
Before having my daughter and becoming a young mother at 21; I was determined to become a Nurse. I completed my Associates & graduated with honors. I was very proud because I graduated while being pregnant and didn’t allow anything to get in my way. I had zero excuses! When my daughter was born life really changed, I can say that it was a slap in the face; what a huge wake up call. Motherhood is very rewarding and it’s truly the best feeling I have ever experienced in my life. This does not change the fact that it is extremely difficult. I no longer live for myself, I have to dedicate my whole existence to my daughter and her well being. With little to no help, I struggled to get back in school & as time passed, nursing was not what I wanted anymore. My thoughts began to change and I thought working as a nurse was not for me anymore. Now, don’t get the wrong message by this, I respect all nurses & doctors on a huge level. But, Personally I do not believe it is the best career choice for someone with a baby; At least not for me. Doctors and nurses have the most rewarding job and it’s because they give their lives every day to save others.
I have no doubt in my mind that I could have started school again & finish nursing school. But, I knew there was a better plan for my daughter and I. 12 hour shifts and putting other lives before my child’s just wasn’t in my vision anymore, Having to work holidays my first years after graduation, all of the nights I would not be able to put my daughter to sleep, the list is endless in my eyes. When I became a single mom, my daughter was about 6 months old, I had to be stronger than ever for her; I began working 2 jobs! One as a personal assistant and a luxury sales associate. It’s been very stressful for me; now is when I am finally getting back on my feet. I’m learning a lot in the business world and I’m very grateful for the opportunity.
My new and improved plan is to get back to school soon, while I am still young and full of life to become a BCBA or a speech therapist. I am currently studying to become an rbt first and work my way up in the field slowly. Having these goals and making sure I achieve them is hard & difficult because I’m working two jobs and my daughter is not in daycare yet, But I am going to make it happen! I love kids, I have worked as a teacher before & I know I will love this career path. My daughter is my why, everything I do, since the day she was born, is for her. She is my purpose and the reason why I continue to work on myself.
Let's get one thing straight, people are always going to judge you as a mother but you have to always keep in mind that motherhood doesn’t come with a handbook. It’s impossible to create a book that explains how women should act or how to be a perfect mom and raise a perfect child. That is BS! Our perspective is our reality, Every kid is different and every mother is different. You have to focus on the bond you create with your children, that is what I focus on with my daughter and learn how to be the best parent that I can be. We deal with a lot of unsolicited opinions and you should never feel bad for standing up for yourself! But you have to do your part as a mom and recognize when you’re wrong, sometimes people who love you, only want the best for you.
I wanted to share my story because I want to hopefully inspire another young single mothers, That if I can do it, SO CAN YOU! Anything we do as individuals is not easy, Especially if you aspire to have more than an average person. So if you're going to struggle make sure it is for the best! I do not live a perfect life, nor do I ever want to have one, I know what its like to feel as if you are drowning in a cup of water, but once I learned to float I realized that every struggle shares a huge lesson. If you are struggling right now, do not give up on yourself and your babies. I believe in you!
- Sharon Gonzalez